Utility Sass Functions

Spacing function


Allows developers to specify the amount of spacing they require via a shortcut function.

Accesses the spacing map definition in the fozzie variables file.

Avaliable keys: x0.5; base; x1.5; x2; x3; x4; x5; x6; x7; x8

Defaults: key: 'base'

margin: spacing(x2);

Line height function

line-height(fontSize, lineHeight, scale)

Given a font-size and a line-height (in px) returns a unitless line-height value.

Defaults: fontSize: 'base', lineHeight: '16', scale: 'default'

line-height: line-height(16px, 24px);

Strip units function


Remove the unit of a measurement

strip-units(400px) //400

px to ems function

em(pxval, baseFontSize)

Convert px values to em

Defaults: baseFontSize: $font-size-base

font-size: em(12);
font-size: em(12, 24); // If the parent is another value say 24px

Map to ems function

map-to-em(breakpointMap, baseFontSize)

Convert a map of px breakpoints to ems

Defaults: baseFontSize: $font-size-base

$breakpoints: map-to-em((
    narrow : 400px,
    mid    : 750px,
    wide   : 1000px,
    huge   : 1250px
), 16);

Decimal round function

decimal-round(number, digits, mode)

Round number to the amount of decimals(digits) according to the mode

Avaliable modes: round, ceil, floor

Defaults: digits: 0, mode: round

decimal-round(($line-height / $font-size), 2);

em to px function

em-to-px(emVal, $baseFontSize)

Convert em values to px

Defaults: baseFontSize: $font-size-base

em-to-px(4, 16) //64px

Map to px funtion

map-to-px(breakpoints, baseFontSize)

Convert a map of em breakpoints to px

Defaults: baseFontSize: $font-size-base

    narrow : 25em,
    mid    : 46.875em,
    wide   : 62.5em,
    huge   : 78.125em
), 16);

zIndex function


Allows developers to specify the amount of zIndex they require via a shortcut function.

Accesses the spacing map zIndex definition in the fozzie variables file.

Avaliable keys: lowest, low, mid, belowHighest, high

Defaults: key: 'lowest'

z-index: zIndex(high);